The Thrill of the Hunt by: Lord Serious
On a sunny spring day a young buck runs at a steady pace. The buck is aware that hunters are in the area, and has tried to put some distance between him and his pursuers. An armed camera man films the hunt as he drives behind the buck. The buck is being lured into a trap. Two armed hunters sit in a pickup truck and patiently wait for the Buck to arrive. One of the truck's occupants is armed with a shotgun and the other carries a 357 magnum. The buck spots them and tries to evade them. But it's too late...Shots are fired...Another young buck in the prime of his life has just become the next lifeless corpse on the ground surrounded by hunters...
I chose to use descriptive language to paint the picture that the murder of another unarmed Black man was just another hunting trip for these White men. But the truth is the young buck being hunted was not some animal in the woods. He was a man. A Black man named Ahmaud Arbery. Yet, he was treated like some white tail deer during deer season by three armed White men on February 23, 2020.
This 25 year old being chased, pursued, ambushed and shot dead in broad daylight was no beast. Yet, it seems like the game being hunted most by the White man in America today is the Black man. And it doesn't matter if it is spring, summer, winter or fall. When you are a Black man living in America, you have to be conscious during every interaction with White men that we are being hunted. And that there is no game warden or law enforcement agency that will protect us, because in this country, when it comes to us everyday is hunting season.
I wish I could say that this was no normal hunting trip. But I can't. The facts are the facts. And the fact is White men shooting unarmed Black men has become the new norm in America. The White man kills us as if it's his right.
The ironic part about all of this is that society has convinced the world that it is the Black man in America who is the overaggressive and violent one. When truthfully we are the exact opposite. It is the nature of the Black race to be compassionate and sociable. While the true nature of the White race has always been to be overaggressive and violent. To fully understand the contrast between our social behavior, I must educate you on the differences in our societies.
Before Blacks were enslaved and colonized by the White race. Most of us lived in agrarian societies. Which means we were farmers and we raised livestock. Within these societies our lifestyle was communal. We shared our resources and this ensured that our entire village would remain close-knit and strong. We were very sociable and our daily lives kept us in close contact with our neighbors. If one member of the village had a problem it wasn't just that individual's problem. It became the village's problem, and we solved that problem together.
This is why even today Black people are still very compassionate and forgiving towards our White neighbors. This is why even in the face of this threat there are still Black people who advocate that this is not just a Black problem. This is an American problem and that both Black and White can solve it together.
But you still have faith in this hopeless cause, because you do not understand what drives this social behavior in the White race. You still hold onto this belief that we can build a fully integrated society where we all live in peace and harmony. But you are underestimating the White man's addiction to the thrill of the hunt.
If you properly understood this then you wouldn't continue wasting your time and resources trying to convince him to love you. Instead you would be wise enough to love yourself enough to protect yourself and your kind from his violence and aggression.
The White race did not have the benefit of living in a plentiful habitat like our ancestors did in Africa. No, the early Europe they were forced to contend with was a cold and unforgiving habitat. Resources were scarce and people didn't share. Therefore if you wanted to survive you had to be willing to take things by force. You had to be willing to shed some blood. You had to be indifferent and callous. You had to overcome nature and your fellow man.
Europe back then wasn't known for producing an overabundance in edible plants. Thus, Whites had to supplement their diets with meat. They developed nomadic tribes and became hunters.
The thrill of the hunt and their taste for blood has never left them. They are just wired different from us and this is why there is no hope for the establishment of an American utopia. We have two conflicting natures that make us naturally incompatible.
If you want to know what the worst case scenario looks like for the Black man in America. I suggest you research what happened to the Black man of Tasmania when the White man colonized Australia?
- Spoiler alert the White man hunted that Black man into extinction!!!!!!!!
Don't think it can't or won't happen to you. Black people need to wake up and stop waiting on the White man to protect us, because as the case of Ahmaud Arbery shows. Even the police are complicit in this attempt to kill us off. Peace!
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