The Sky Is Falling

Panic, anxiety and fear are some of the emotions many of you are currently feeling due to the uncertainty caused by the outbreak of COVID-19. However, I can assure you, contrary to popular belief; people, the sky is not falling.

The Coronavirus is not the first deadly pathogen to threaten our existence and I can assure you, that after we overcome it, nor will it be the last. Yes, a lot of people have contracted it. At the time of this writing, CNN reports that there are 441,000 cases worldwide. But there are 7.7 billion people on the planet Earth. Therefore that means Coronavirus has affected about 1 in every 17,500 people on the Earth. There are currently 19,784 confirmed deaths worldwide according to CNN. That's about 1 death for every 389,203 people. That means you have a 77.3% chance of survival if you have the misfortune of contracting this virus. Trust me people, there are viruses out there that are a lot more deadly than that. Has anybody heard about the Bubonic plague or even Ebola?

COVID-19 is a very contagious virus and it has been decimating Italy. Whose highest death toll in one day reached 700+. Compare that to the total confirmed deaths in the U.S. which is only 807 at the time of this writing. Yes, things will get a lot worse for us who live in the U.S. And yes, the impact of COVID-19 will be life changing. But for all of you who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Apocalyptic Disorder (OCAD). Yeah, I'm talking to you - the person who bought up the last cases of bottled water and toilet paper. You thought Y2K was the end of the world in 1999. You fell for the Mayan Calendar hoax in 2012. And now here we are in 2020 and you're overreacting once again. I'm sorry to disappoint you but the world is not coming to an end anytime soon.

Life is a cycle and this cycle demands balance. This means humanity has experienced periods of growth and renewal as well as death and decay. It just so happens that we are currently living in a period where death and decay are rampant amongst the human race. However, this is not that much of a difficult challenge to overcome.

Really, the vaccine or cure to the Coronavirus will be written into the genetic code of all those who contract it and survive. After we contract any sickness our immune systems have the natural ability to grow resistant or immune to that strain of the pathogen. This enables the human body to fight pathogens off easier in the future. Our bodies are constantly under assault from all types of germs, bacterium, and viruses. However, after contracting certain illnesses our body's immune system adapts and it gets stronger and it learns how to perform its job better. These adaptations or adjustments then get recorded within our DNA so that the body will always remember the pathogen whenever we come into contact with it again and most importantly, how to fight it. We then pass this genetic information down to our children, grandchildren, so on and so forth.

As of today the statistics suggest that approximately 75% of humanity who contract this virus will survive. The survivors of this pandemic most likely posses strong genes and this gives them the natural ability to endure the sickness, combat the symptoms, and then pass on these strengths to their children. Thus making humanity as a whole stronger and better suited to fight off the next pathogen that will threaten our existence.

Now please do not misinterpret this as medical advice and think that I am advising you to intentionally contract COVID-19. Because I am not. That would be foolish. What I'm saying is that if you do have the misfortune of contracting this virus but you have a strong immune system, though you may suffer, your future offspring will be protected from that strain of the virus, and this will give your descendants an advantage when the next pandemic threatens humanity.

Your chance of surviving this pandemic increase if you follow the common sense advice of the medical physicians and experts. They are advising that we protect ourselves and the elderly and those with compromised immune systems by doing the following:

*Practicing social distancing by maintaining a distance of six feet and never being in groups of ten or more people.

*Wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds.

*Keep hands away from eyes, nose, and/or mouth.

*Cough in the crease of arm.

*If you have had contact with someone who contracted COVID-19 or you are exhibiting symptoms yourself, you should self quarantine for 14 days.

*And if you have recently left an area with high exposure such as New York, you should self quarantine for 14 days.

By following these simple instructions and remaining calm, you increase your chances of survival, and will be able to protect yourself and the people you love. In time this too will pass and the world we live in will soon discover its new normal. Peace!



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