Instead Of Removing Confederate Statues Activist Should Fight To Erect Statues Of Blacks Who Led Slave Rebellions by: Lord Serious

Racism and slavery are the original sin of the U.S. government. That fact cannot be denied. And though the ideals being espoused by Confederate statues are viewed by many as ugly and hateful. I look upon these historical monuments as a cautionary tale of a not so distant past that we are destined to repeat, IF, we refuse to learn from it.

As a Black man in America, it is not in my interest to celebrate the life and legacy of any White man who enslaved my ancestors. I care not what their political affiliation was. It matters not if they were a Dixiecrat or Yankie, a Jeffersonian or Federalist, or if they were the victors of the war or if they were on the losing side. But for some of you reading this, these minor details are the deciding factors used to determine who was right and who was wrong in your eyes. This is especially troubling when this outlook has been unconsciously adopted by members of my own race.

For a Black person to find themselves getting all riled up over a manufactured controversy regarding the final disposition of a few statues of White men simply because they were aligned with the Confederacy, but you do not hold these same views and opinions toward the monuments of America's Founding Fathers, is proof that you are a person who is easily manipulated by the media and the White liberal agenda. Both of whom conflate issues for the sole purpose of keeping you distracted and fighting ghost. Literally!

Conscious Blacks who are aware of their own history and their peoples struggle for freedom, justice, and equality in America openly admit that for Blacks, there is no difference between the Union and the Confederacy (before the conclusion of the Civil war both sides had offered emancipation to slaves). There is no difference between the U.S. flag and the Confederate flag (every abuse inflicted on us under the Confederate flag has been imposed on Blacks under the authority of the American flag). And the only difference between Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, when compared to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, is that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned far more slaves and they were on the winning side of the war they fought.

This is why their story gets romanticized while the Confederacy is vilified. But the truth is, for Blacks living in America, when you learn your history you will recognize that America's Founding Fathers are just as racists, villainous, evil, and wicked as the men who dehumanized and enslaved our ancestors during the Confederacy.

Therefore, if Confederate statues should be removed, I'm of the opinion that these same grounds should suffice for the removal of all statues of any slaveholding racist. To do otherwise would be hypocritical, and it undermines the legitimacy of the arguments made to support the removal of the others.

I will share some historical facts about the General Robert E. Lee in comparison to General George Washington. When it comes to their honorable service in the performance of their military duties. George Washington was a self admitted war criminal, who murdered a member of a French delegation. Robert E. Lee on the other hand was never accused of violating any war crimes while in the filed of battle.

More importantly, Robert E. Lee never owned more than 12 slaves - ALL OF WHOM HE EMANCIPATED BEFORE THE CIVIL WAR. George Washington on the other hand owned over 80 slaves on his Mount Vernon plantation ALL OF WHOM HE EMANCIPATED AFTER HIM AND HIS WIFE DIED.

When Washington was elected to the office of presidency the nation's capital was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At that time Pennsylvania was a state founded by Quakers and immediately after independence was won from Britain, their state legislators enacted a law that prohibited slavery. This law provided any slave residing within this state territory for 6 months or more the power to petition their courts for freedom.

To subvert his slaves ability to obtain their LIBERTY by petitioning Pennsylvania's courts, George Washington the so-called champion of liberty, would rotate his slaves living with him in Philadelphia with the slaves he left in Mount Vernon before their 6 months was up. Thus, Washington was able to circumvent the law while simultaneously denying Blacks the same rights he had just went to war over.

Now do not confuse my condemnation of George Washington as support for Robert E. Lee. I only wish to show you the error of your ways. Society has manipulated you into believing that you should love one group for championing liberty, but has taught you to hate the other because they denied it to Blacks. When in reality your feelings about these White men have been far more influenced by their groups political affiliations than it is by their respective views on slavery. Because each group shared the same political policy on the subject of the enslavement of Blacks.

Society conceals the ugly past of the Founding Fathers and conditions Blacks to accept them as our very own "heroes". This is accomplished by aligning the founder's images with the dominant White power structure whose sociopolitical preferences are portrayed in mainstream media as the legitimate moral compass of this country. Furthermore, after 400 years of slavery many Blacks are still conditioned to never question or challenge White authority. Thus, they can't provide you with any substantial explanation for why they find the slaveholding Founding Fathers more acceptable than the members of the Confederacy.

However, the leaders of adversarial political factions are exposed by the ruling White power structure. Their images are exclusively associated with oppression of Blacks. This serves three purposes: 1) they provoke a strong emotional response from oppressed Blacks; and by doing so, 2) Blacks are permitted to lash out at an image of their White oppressors in a controlled and easily managed manner. Lastly, 3) they are able to keep the minds of the dominated Blacks occupied with superficial and manufactured controversial issues. Which neutralize their ability to fight for real change that will challenge the White domination of their race.

So I am writing this to teach you how to properly analyze American history from a Black perspective. It is unconscionable for the Black perspective to align itself with the White domination of its own race. Therefore, conscious Blacks do not take a political stance that is apologetic or sympathetic toward the White oppression of Blacks. Instead our political survival demands that we carry on our ancestors legacy of Black resistance to White oppression.

In my book APOTHEOSIS LORD SERIOUS HAKIM ALLAH'S HABEAS CORPUS APPEAL I instruct my generation on how to do just that. As it pertains to Confederate images. I think the most effective way to fight against the ideals being propagated by these statues is to have statues of the leaders of slave rebellions made and placed in close proximity to, or adjacent to, these Confederate statues.

Within this blog there is a link that will take you to my online petition that supports my sentence modification:

Richmond, Virginia is not only the capital of the state, but it was also the capital of the Confederacy. Thus, like it or not this is a very real part of Virginia's history. So instead of concealing history, it is my position that both sides of the story should be told.

Not every Black person was submissive to White domination and oppression. Some fought back and even raised armies and led armed rebellions against their enslavers. This aspect of Black history is seldom acknowledged. But of the many slave rebellions that have occurred throughout American history two of the most significant took place in Virginia.

One of the most well-known leaders of slave rebellions is Nat Turner. However, one of the most well organized was led by an individual named Gabriel Prosser. Gabriel's rebellion took place in Richmond, Virginia and Nat Turner's happened in South Hampton County, Virginia. Gabriel Prosser was pardoned in 2007 and recognized as a Civil Rights leader.

For this and many other reasons I ask that you support this movement to get their statues built and placed in the Monument Avenue area of Richmond where the Confederate statues are located. Thank you for reading this blog and I hope you found it to be informative and entertaining. Peace!

Written by Lord Serious author of Apotheosis Lord Serious Hakim Allah's Habeas Corpus Appeal available on


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